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Welcome to the official site for the San Fernando – Santa Clarita Valley Kappa



Our chapter started with 11 young men in September 2017. The mission of our Kappa League is

to develop our members to become future leaders in their communities. On goal is to provide

them with the necessary skills and tools to graduate form high school and college. During this

process, we provide opportunities for them to volunteer for community service in the San

Fernando and Santa Clarita valley and surrounding areas. We believe that great leaders focus

on serving others before they focus on leading.


In order for us to help our young men become men and leaders in their communities, we focus

on the following areas of development:


           Economic Empowerment

           College & Careers

Focusing on these pillars, we’ll help our young men feel confident that they’ll have the necessary skills to

overcome the challenges they’ll face in the future. This will also help the way society views our young

men. We also use social media to help influence and change the narrative of how our youth our being



It is my honor and privilege to serve as the Director of the San Fernando – Santa Clarita Valley Kappa

League. I’m extremely proud of our accomplishments and excited about the potential of our program.


Please visit out our site often for future events and activities. If you would like additional information

about our program or would like to support it, please submit your contact information on home


Thank you

Anthony D. Lee

Kappa League Director

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